The Market STT Plastic Recycling Campaign

Please be a volunteer or circulate electronically this volunteer poster and help us spread the word for the need of recycling volunteers!
Please contact Ashely at [email protected] to see how you can become a Saturday volunteer, we need you! Without volunteers like you this trial program can not continue.
Hours of operation are only on Saturday from 8 am to noon at the store’s designated site, under the tent.
Please use this symbol sorting guide prior to dropping off, NO  # 3, # 6 or # 7 plastics,
No lids or bottle caps on the items. You can place them in the bag but not on the items.
Containers must be empty, clean and/ or rinsed.
Use a clear ( preferred) or white bag to place the items in prior to dropping off your sorted plastics.
Thank you Plaza Extra, Tutu for ensuring that these sorted plastic items are then crushed then sent off island to be recycled, your generosity to the community is greatly appreciated! 

Download the Flyer!